Plant Profiles

The geopark is located in the southwestern slope of the central Altai Mountains, belonging to the Pan-Arctic Botanical Region, Euro-Asian Forest Botanical Subregion and Altai Mountain Region, and is the only intersection area of Siberia, Pan-Arctic, Eurasia, Arctic-Alpine and Mongolia and other biota components. The park has now found 967 species of vascular plants, 205 species of lichen plants and 193 species of bryophytes. Among the vascular plants, there are 939 species of angiosperms in 71 families and 373 genera, 9 species of gymnosperms in 3 families and 4 genera, and 19 species of ferns in 7 families and 8 genera.
Aster alpinus L.
Epipactis helleborine
Dryopteris filix-mas
Gymnadenia conopsea