Evolution of the No. 3 Vein's Concentric Ring Zonation Pattern

The nine ore zones of the No. 3 vein are the result of crystallization and differentiation of pegmatitic magma. Were they formed successively?
The answer is No. The vein, characterized by its concentric ring zonation pattern, can be broadly classified into three distinct stages from the upward intrusion of magma to the completion of mineralization consolidation: the magmatic stage, magmatic-hydrothermal transition stage, and hydrothermal stage. During the magmatic stage, fine-grain albite granite and aplite initially formed in the inner contact zone of the rock mass due to albite's large nucleation density and rapid crystallization. Subsequently, large graphic pegmatite and variant graphic pegmatite crystallized on a large scale in Zone I, along with massive microcline crystallizing in Zone III. Zone II fine-grain albite and Zone IV quartz and muscovite crystallized in different locations in Zone I and Zone III. In the magmatic-hydrothermal transition stage, residual magma first transformed into spodumene, quartz, and albite in Zone V and Zone VI. Following this, Zone VII flaky albite, muscovite, spodumene, and pollucite crystallized. In the early hydrothermal stage, Zone IX massive quartz and microcline were crystallized directly from high-temperature supercritical magma fluid rich in silicate solutes. Simultaneously, lepidolite-flaky albite crystallized in Zone VIII due to the transformation and metasomatism of lithium-rich solution.